Here's the view from the chaplain's quarters where Em and I slept. What a blessing to sit on the porch reading the bible and hearing kids laughing and the sound of cannon balls from the pool.
This is Em sporting a chicken hat for staff intros....which consists of the staff dressing up like idiots, being introduced and then jumping into the pool to a chorus of "Cannon ball, cannon ball"
I just need to take a minute to gush about this woman. Emma Gillies is a fabulous person. What a gift she is to me. She rocked as a side kick this week! From forcing me shower to lying on the floor while we wrote songs in Spanish...she can't be beat.
Our super her theme was a super hit. We called the chapel the phonebooth-because that's where average folks transform into Super heroes. And when they came in they had to put on masks and stuff and we calle dthem by super hero names. It was a lot of fun. Thanks for all of your prayers internet friends. God opened a lot of doors and ears. By the end of the weeks a couple of the kids were begging to be allowed to come and pray with the worship team before the service. As one super dude was praying for the life guard, Sarah, he said " Lord, thank you that Sarah keeps us from drowning in the pool, so that we can live one more day to pray and praise you." Praise the Lord!
This is a friend that Emma and I met at camp. She's hilarious and if I didn't know better I'd swear she was related to us.
Thanks to all the friends who dropped by the camp last week. Hooray for Nick and Alicia, Sarah Couper and Nan and Grampy Till.
This is an amazing young lady who blessed my socks off this week. She brought joy, and dancing. She brought people together. She left part way through the week but was able to come back for the last chapel. She came in the door just as we settled in to sing her favorite song "King of Love" (she knew all the actions), and when the kids saw her they jumped up to hug her and wanted to sit next to her.
Leaving was hard. I had forgotten how alive I feel at camp. I rediscovered some joy that I'd been out of touch with. I also got to meet some amazing people that I already knew. This is a picture of the Brookwood Salute that our family received as we drove out of camp. (yes those are fireworks-don't try this at home). Most of the staff this summer was a camper of mine during my years at Brookwood. Most of them were not the most well behaved or co-operative as campers. BUT I am over joyed to say that as astaff they rose to meet the call. Jesus was glorified in the way they served and loved those campers. I love this picture because of the guys in it. Men of God, all four of them, all at different places on the journey, all with different gifts and callings.
Thanks Everybody! Thanks Jesus!