I get my back up over everything.
I'm looking for a fight. I won't take help.
I forget about grace, forgiveness, compassion.
I forget to breath deeply.
I forget to be transformed. Forget about the mercy.
But then... here comes the Prince of Peace, the Lover of my Soul.
With the skill of a surgeon and the heart of a lion, He starts pealing back my fingers.
He's telling me the truth.
Telling me who I am. Redeemed, Beloved, Child.
Finally my hands are open and the fight is drained out of me.
He says, "Don't forget what My Heart is like. Don't forget my hands".
He holds them out for me.
Tears stream down my tired face.
I see the hands that formed the world.
I see a carpenter's hands.
I see the wounds of love.
And I see my name.
Into your hands I commit my spirit;
redeem me, LORD, my faithful God.
Psalm 31:5
That was beautiful. I love your deep "God" blogs. They always say so much more to my heart then what is written...does that make any sense??
He is like a surgeon...waiting to releive pressure with that lasting antisetic (correct my spelling later, lol) called grace. Always free...breathe it in real good.
I see jesus in you...in your heart...when you love people and when people love you. Your amazing.
Hey, the first 3 letters in my word verificaton spell out JOY.
Gray, I love your honesty and openness, and I love you! that blog brought tears to my eyes, and I agree with Jen, your God blogs are always amazing and beutifal! It is always a good reminder of the LOVE of God! I will be praying for you!
PS: can't wait to see you tomorow, and hopefully we can pray together, LOVE YOU!
I'm happy when I see your surrendering to Him, fighting isn't good , takes to much energy and the next thing you know, as your wrestling with the Big Guy he's got you by the ankle and your hanging upside down crasping at clumps of grass.
Hope the clenched fist thing becomes less and less, will keep praying.
Breathe on me Breath of God, so I might breathe your breath on others- that they may experience your love, joy, peace, patience, passion, and perserverance through my testimony unto you- the way I walk, talk, run,...i want to Run only with you Oh, my God i need you more Father- give me the strength to endure. I love you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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