Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Crazy Carpets

oh kraft dinner of the toboggan hill,

you are not classy but you're satisfying.

So, lately I have been moved to take up the crazy carpet as a medium for wintry amusement.

I say "take it up" but really it is closer to RE-taking it up. It's been surreal living around the corner from my childhood home these last 18 months. It stirs all kinds of memories about by gone days. Some of those memories are of hours spent careening down the hill at martello tower. It was dangerous but it was fun.

A couple of weeks ago I bought 5 blue crazy carpets. (5 because you never know when a posse will form with crazy carpeting on the brain) I couldn't wait to try them I didn't. The next day I made my own little run on a hill beside my house. I was amazed at how much fun I had!

I'm sure the people walking by thought I was nuts but I didn't care. Lying on my back starring up at the blue sky, taking stock of the bruises, breathing the cool air I felt care free.

Thanks inner child, that was fun.

How do you play?

Jesus, set us free to play! Break the shackles of false uprightness that hold us back from you. In our joy and play may we glorify you! Teach us to be like little children. Help us to know you as Abba.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to that, freedom in every way through Christ...mas...huz

Friday, March 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More God...more of YOUR laughter in our lives. break off the bounds of legalism and straight-faced religion!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I play all the time, its funny cause i get told to act my age, I always liked the wooden tobaggans they go alot faster but hurt when you hit trees.
Plus the board games, they are fun too.
Breaking the chains by the Holy Spirit is always a time of joy,

Friday, March 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

check it out...I've deleted my old blog and made a new one with a new perspective.

Friday, March 02, 2007  

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